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Arturia – Mini Fuse 1 White


MiniFuse 1 is made to bridge the gap between idea and finished product.

Built by audio experts and engineers with a passion for brilliant sound, it ticks every box for whatever type of audio creation you’re into, from podcasting to beatmaking.

Arturia – Mini Fuse1 Black

Experience pristine audio clarity with state-of-the-art preamps that capture every detail of your sound, perfect for recording vocals, instruments, and more.

Arturia MiniFuse 2 Black

The Arturia MiniFuse 2 is a two-channel USB recording interface that provides all the essentials you’ll need to start recording at home at a very attractive price point. Rather than be burdened with multiple superfluous connections and features, often redundant in small studio setups, Arturia has instead focused on delivering the best sound quality possible in the most effective and straightforward way possible.

Arturia MiniFuse 2 White

The MiniFuse 2 stands out for its unmatched sound quality, smart connectivity options, and an exclusive pack of music-making software, making it a comprehensive solution for recording, production, and podcasting needs.