Get in Touch

We are here to help you to find the best products.

We are just call Away!

Any Question?

Mobile: +971 50 936 3514
Shop Landline: +971 4 3480609

Shop Location: Union Building, Shop Number 1. Near Union Metro Station - Exit number 2, Deira Dubai

Google Location Link:


Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

Yes, Mobile Shop Dubai by Electronic Gallery ensures that you get the same product as you see in our website. You can also come to our shop and check the product before buying. We ensure that you get the right product as per your requirement. 

Where can I view my purchase receipt?

We provide you the hard copy of the invoice as well as the soft copy of the invoice in your email. 

How can I return an item?

In order to return the Item, you need to make your own arrangement until and unless the product is not as per the description mentioned in our website or it's defected and not working. 

Will you restock items indicated as “out of stock?”

Yes, the product marked as "Out of Stock" will be restocked. You may check with our customer service executive by clicking on what's app Icon or by sending an email to

Can i collect my order personally which is made online?

Yes, You can collect the order which is made online by visiting our shop located near Union Metro Station.

Need any Assistance ?

We are here to answer any of your concerns!